This does a 2D texture lookup for displacement.
TAG  is the tag for the Texture Shader.
MODE is the texture mapping method.
COMP controls which component of the map to use, alpha or intensity.
MAG  is the magnitude of the displacement.

TAG (input):
This must be connected to a soft_color_2D Texture Shader box;
which contains the miTag and mapping features for a texture file.

MODE (input):
This must be an interger.  The default is 0, orthographic.
This is the texture mapping method: 0 = orthographic projection
1 = spherical projection	    2 = cylindrical projection

COMP (input):
This must be an interger.  The default is 2 = map intensity.
This selects whether the displacement factor should come from
the texture alpha (comp = 1) or the texture intensity(comp = 2).

MAG (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 1.0.
This is the magnitude of the displacement.

DIS (output):
This returns a DisTex pointer to the Texture Shader for soft_displace.

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