This implements the Softimage material shader.
TAG   is the tag for the texture shader.
SPACE selects the mapping space.
MASK  selects the type of masking for color maps.
COMP  selects whether scalar maps come from alpha or intensity.
METH  selects the type of mapping projection.
BLEND is the amount of blending globally.
AMB   is the amount of blending with the ambient surface color.
DIFF  is the amount of blending with the diffuse surface color.
SPEC  is the amount of blending with the specular highlight color.
TRNSP is the amount of blending with the transmitted color.
RFL   is the amount of blending with the reflection color.
BUMP  is the magnitude of normal perturbation.
UUNIT is the amount of detail in the U direction.
VUNIT is the amount of detail in the V direction.
BW    is boolean: miFALSE = use color; miTRUE = use B&W. 

TAG (input):
This must be connected to a soft_color_2D Texture Shader box;
which contains the miTag and mapping features for a texture file.

SPACE (input):
This must be an integer.  This integer selects the mapping space.
0 = orthographic; 1 = spherical; 2 = cylindrical;
The default is 0 for orthographic mapping.

MASK (input):
This must be an integer.  This integer controls the blending method.
0 = the texture is blended opaquely disregarding its alpha; 
1 = the texture is transparent where its alpha < 1;
2 = the texture is transparent where its intensity < 1;
The default is 0, the texture is layered opaquely. 

COMP (input):
This must be an integer.  This integer selects whether the scalar
mapping factors, transparency, reflection or bump, should be
derived from the alpha channel or the intensity of the texture.
1 = alpha. 2 = intensity. The default is 2.

METH (input):
This must be an integer.  This integer selects the projection.
0 = XY; 1 = YZ; 2 = XZ; 3 = UV; 4 = cylindrical;
The default is 0 for orthographic mapping.

BLEND (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 0.5.
This controls the amount of blending with the texture layer.
0, the texture is ignored; 1 the MASK has total control.

AMB (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 0.5.
This adjusts the effect of the texture on the ambient component.

DIFF (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 0.5.
This adjusts the effect of the texture on the diffuse component.

SPEC (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 0.5.
This adjusts the effect of the texture on the specular component.

TRNSP (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 0.5.
This adjusts the effect of the texture in the transparency.

RFL (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 0.5.
This adjusts the effect of the texture in the reflection.

BUMP (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 0.0, no bump.
This adjusts the magnitude of the bump which the texture generates.

UUNIT (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 0.2.
This is the size of increments along the U 
surface parameter to check the map file values.
Smaller numbers mean more detail. Zero turns bumping off.

VUNIT (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 0.2.
This is the size of increments along the V 
surface parameter to check the map file values.
Smaller numbers mean more detail. Zero turns bumping off.

BW (input):
This must be a boolean.  The default is miFALSE, use color.

TEX (output):
This returns a Tex pointer to the Texture Shader for soft_material.

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