This shader simulates a glassy surface.
Ka  is the coefficient to the ambient function.
Kd  is the coefficient to the diffuse function.
Ks  is the coefficient to the specular function.
Kr  is the coefficient of the reflection color.
Ns  is the exponent to the specular function.
AMB is the ambient surface color.
DIF is the diffuse surface color.
HI  is the highlight color.
RFL is the reflection color.

Ka (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 0.1.
Coefficient to the ambient function, controls the intensity 
of the color returned from the ambient function.

Kd (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 0.2.
Coefficient to the diffuse function, controls the intensity 
of the color returned from the diffuse function.

Ks (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 1.0.
Coefficient to the specular function, controls the intensity 
of the highlight returned from the specular function.

Ns (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 100.0.
Ns is the shininess, the exponent to the specular function.
It controls the rate to the falloff for the specular highlight.
The larger the exponent, the shinier the material appears,
because the falloff is more rapid.

AMB (input):
This must be a color.  The default is WHITE.
This is the ambient surface color.

DIF (input):
This must be a color.  The default is WHITE.
This is the diffuse surface color.

HI (input):
This must be a color.  The default is WHITE.
This colors the highlight returned from the specular function.

Kr (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 0.5.
This controls the intensity of the reflected color.

RFL (input):
This must be a color.  The default is WHITE.
This is the reflection color.

OUT (output):
This shader simulates a glassy surface.
This is the returned color.

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