This implements depth of field as an output effect.
NEAR is the negative distance of the near focal plane from the camera.
FAR  is the negative distance of the far focal plane from the camera.
RAD  is the radius of the disc centered at the camera.
MAX  is the threshold value for filter sizes in pixels.

NEAR (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is -1.0, this value must be < 0.
This is the negative distance of the near focal plane from the camera.
Points whose Z coordinate is between NEAR and FAR are in focus,
all others are blurred.

FAR (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is -1000.0, this value must be < 0.
This is the negative distance of the far focal plane from the camera.
Points whose Z coordinate is between NEAR and FAR are in focus,
all others are blurred.

RAD (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 1.0.
The wider the radius, the greater the effect.
A value of 0 turns depth of field off.

MAX (input):
This must be an integer.  The default is 2.
This is the cutoff value for the radius of the filter in pixels.
This threshold value avoids large filter sizes with no visible effect.

OUT (output):
This is the returned color for the effected pixel.

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