This impliments the soft light shader.
MODE selects the type of light.
LGT  is the color of the light.
SHD  turns shadow casting on or off
FAC  is the shadow density factor
ATT  turns attenuation on or off.
BEG  is the beginning of the attenuation.
END  is the ending of the attenuation.
DIR  is the direction vector for the light.
CONE is the size of the inner cone of light.
SPRD is the spread of the outer cone for the falloff.

MODE (input):
This must be an interger.  The default is 2 = spotlight.
This selects the type of light: 0 = infinite; 1 = point; 2 = spotlight.

LGT (input):
This must be a color.  The default is WHITE.
This controls the color of the light.

SHD (input):
This is a boolean flag.  This turns shadowing on or off.
The default is miFALSE.

FAC (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 0.0, complete shadow.
This is the factor determining how much light may penetrate a shadow 
casting object.  If the shadow factor is 1, no shadow rays are cast.

ATT (input):
This is a boolean flag.  This turns attenuation on or off.
If miTRUE, calucalate the attenuation based on BEG and END.
The default is miFALSE.

BEG (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 1.0.
This is the distance from the light postion
where the light attenuation begins.

END (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 3.0E4.
This is the distance from the light postion
where the light attenuation ends.

DIR (input):
This must be a vector.  It is the direction of the light.
The default is down the negative Z axis.

CONE (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 15.0.
This angle is half the size of the light cone.

SPRD (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 20.0.
This is the spread of the outer cone for the falloff.
For best results this value should be greater than CONE.

OUT (output):
This is a spotlight shader.

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