This implements the Softimage material shader.
MODE  selects the type of shading.
AMB   is the ambient surface color.
DIFF  is the diffuse surface color.
SPEC  is the specular highlight color.
AMBI  is the ambience color.
SHINY is the exponent to the specular function.
RFL   is the reflection coeffiecent.
TRNSP is the amount of transparency
IOR   is the index of refraction.
SBLUR is the motion blur flag.
DK    is the amount of motion blur decay.
TEX   is the texture map.

MODE (input):
This must be an integer.  This integer selects the shading model.
0 = constant; 1 = Lambert; 2 = Phong; 3 = Blinn;
The default is 3 for Blinn shading.

AMB (input):
This must be a color.  The default is BLUE.
This is the ambient surface color.

DIFF (input):
This must be a color.  The default is BLUE.
This is the diffuse surface color.

SPEC (input):
This must be a color.  The default is WHITE.
This is the color of the specular highlights.

AMBI (input):
This must be a color.  The default is WHITE.
This is the ambience color.  It is used to adjust
the amount and color of the ambient illumination.

SHINY (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 50.0.
This is the shininess factor.  It is the exponent to the specular 
function.  It controls the rate of falloff for the highlight.

TRNSP (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 0, 
no transparency or fully opaque; 1 is fully transparent.
The contribution of the material color is reduced by 1-TRNSP.

RFL (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 0, nonreflective. 
1 is fully reflective.
The contribution of the material color is reduced by 1-RFL.

IOR (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 1.0.
This is the index of refraction, for transparent surfaces.
1.0 = air; 1.33 = water; 1.5 = glass.

SBLUR (input):
This must be a boolean.  The default is miFALSE, no motion blur.

DK (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 0.0.
This is the amount of decay in the motion blur.

TRACE (input):
This must be a boolean.  The default is miFALSE, no trace.

TEX (input):
This is the pointer to the texture map.  The default is NULL, no map.

OUT (output):
This implements the Softimage material shader.
This is the returned color.

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