This shader simulates steam.
PP  is the seed for the turbulence in the steam.
FRM controls the animnation of the steam.
SPD controls the speed of the steam.
FQ  controls the frequency of turbulence in the steam.
OCT controls the amount of turbulence in the steam.
ATT controls the rate of attenuation for the steam.
STM is the color of the steam.
OP  is the base opacity of the steam.

PP (input):
This must be a point.  The default is surface point.
This is the seed for the turbulence in the steam. 

FRM (input):
This must be an integer.  The default is 1.
This is the current frame number. 
It controls the animnation of the steam.

SPD (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 0.1.
It controls the speed of the steam.

FQ (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 4.0.
It controls the frequency of turbulence in the steam.

OCT (input):
This must be an integer.  The default is 4.
It controls the amount of turbulence in the steam.

ATT (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 1.0.
It controls the rate of attenuation for the steam.

STM (input):
This must be a color.  Default is WHITE.
This is the color of the steam.

OP (input):
This must be a scalar.  Default is solid.
This is base opacity of the steam.

OUT (output):
This function returns a steam shader.
This is the returned color.

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