This implements a texture mapped lens.
TAG  is the tag for the Texture Shader.
GAIN controls the effect from the Texture Shader.
MASK use the alpha channel or intensity for the mask.
GEL  is a color gel applied to the lens.

TAG (input):
This must be connected to a soft_color_2D Texture Shader box;
which contains the miTag and mapping features for a texture file.

GAIN (input):
This must be a scalar.  The default is 1.0.
This controls the amount of the effect from the MAP.
0 is no effect.

MASK (input):
This must be a boolean.  The default is False, use intensity.
If MASK is True the alpha channel of the map is used for the mask,
otherwise the map intensity is used.

GEL (input):
This must be a color.  The default is WHITE, no color.
This is a color gel applied to the lens.

ZOOM (input):
This must be a positive scalar.  
The default is 1.0, no zoom.
This controls the amount of zoom on the lens.

OUT (output):
This is the returned color.

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