This function returns a weave pattern.
Use OS to control the S strand color, OT controls the T strand color.
Add the two colors together to get the output pattern.
S   direction for width of weave.
T   direction for height of weave.
FQ  frequency of weave
OS  output for width-wise strands.
OT  output for height-wise strands.

S (input):
This must be a varying float. The default is s.
This controls the direction of the width of the weave.

T (input):
This must be a varying float. The default is t.
This controls the direction of the height of the weave.

FQ (input):
This must be a float. The default is 8.
This is the frequency of the weave pattern.

OS (output):
Returns the weave pattern along S as a value 0 to 1.0.

OT (output):
Returns the weave pattern along T as a value 0 to 1.0.

OA (output):
Returns optional alpha value between 0,0,0 and 1,1,1.
Can be used to 'see through' the holes.

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