This function returns the color in 
the environment map MAP from the direction of R.
refer to page 323 in the RenderMan Companion.

MAP (input):
This must be a string.  The default is empty.
The name of the environment map file to be used.
refer to page 323 in the RenderMan Companion.

R (input):
Must be a vector.
This is the direction vector.
refer to page 323 in the RenderMan Companion.

FLT (input):
Selects the filter to be used when sampling the texture data.
Possible filters are "box" and "gaussian".  The default is "box".
Use of "gaussian" should produce higher quality results but with
a slight performance penalty.

INT (input):
Selects whether to interpolate between adjacent resolutions of a
multi-resolution texture in order to smooth the transition
between resolutions.  Possible values are 0.0 to disable the
interpolation and 1.0 to enable it.  The default is 0.0 to not

ENV (output):
This function returns the color in 
the environment map MAP from the direction of R.
refer to page 323 in the RenderMan Companion.

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