If X is less than 0.5, 
the output is twice X raised to log(1-GAIN)/log(0.5) divided by 2;
otherwise the output is 2 minus twice X raised to log(1-GAIN)/log(0.5),
divided by 2 and subtracted from 1. Basically a fancy contrast function.

GAIN (input):
This value must be a float.  This is the gain.

X (input):
This value must be a float.

OUT (output):
If X is less than 0.5, 
the output is twice X raised to log(1-GAIN)/log(0.5) divided by 2;
otherwise the output is 2 minus twice X raised to log(1-GAIN)/log(0.5),
divided by 2 and subtracted from 1. Basically a fancy contrast function.

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