This function returns a value picked from a curve by the float C.
The value returned will of the same data type as the knots, K.
The curve is generated by fitting an interpolatory spline to the knot inputs.
The basis for the spline calculation is indicated by the the input string B.
The default basis is "catmull-rom".  Bases "bezier", "bspline", "hermite"
and "linear" are also available.  Bases "bezier" and "hermite" require
more knots, 4n+3 and 4n+2 respectively as opposed to 2n+2.

B (input):
This input must be a string.
This indicates the basis used to generate the spline.
The default is "catmull-rom".  Bases "bezier", "bspline", "hermite"
and "linear" are also available.  Bases "bezier" and "hermite" require
more knots, 4n+3 and 4n+2 respectively as opposed to n+1.

C (input):
This input must be a float.
It is used to pick the spot on the spline for the return value.

K (input):
These are knots in the spline.
The knots may be arrays of floats, points, normals, vectors or colors.

OUT (output):
This function returns a value picked from a curve by the float C.
The value returned will of the same data type as the knots.
The curve is generated by fitting an interpolatory spline to the knot inputs.
The basis for the spline calculation is indicated by the the input string B.
The default basis is "catmull-rom".  Bases "bezier", "bspline", "hermite"
and "linear" are also available.  Bases "bezier" and "hermite" require
more knots, 4n+3 and 4n+2 respectively as opposed to n+1.

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