ShadeTree NT Mental Ray Shader Examples


std marble

This is an example Windows NT Mental Ray marble shader. To use it in SoftImage:
  1. Download the DLL and MAT files.
  2. Modify your SoftImage database as described here.
  3. Copy the DLL to 'SI_Database\lib' and the MAT to 'SI_Database\Material_Shaders'.
  4. Follow these instructions to apply the marble shader within SoftImage.

NOTE: The DLL and MAT files are in a zip file. They can be extracted a 'WinZip' compatible decompression utility (one is available at

The following pictures show the standard marble shader with values that have been tweaked from within SoftImage.
color marble freq marble shift marble
The Ka (ambient color) values have been modified. The Freq (frequency) value has modified. The Shift (color shift bias) value been modified.


std screen

This is an example Windows NT Mental Ray screen shader. To use it from SoftImage:
  1. Download the DLL and MAT files.
  2. Follow the directions above for the marble shader.

The following pictures show the standard screen shader with values that have been tweaked from within SoftImage.
width marble std marble std marble
The Width value has been modified. The Freq (frequency) value has modified. The Ns (shininess) value been modified.

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