This is an arealight shader.
PP is where the center of the light illumination.
NN is the direction of the light.
ANG defines the size of the cone of light.
INT controls the intensity of the light.
LGT controls the color of the light.

PP (input):
This must be a point.  The default is the surface point, P.
This is the position of the light.

NN (input):
This must be a point.  The default is the surface normal, N.
This is the direction of the light.

ANG (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 90.0.
This angle is half the size of the light cone.

INT (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 1.0.
This controls the intensity of the light.

LGT (input):
This must be a color.  The default is WHITE.
This controls the color of the light.

CL (output):
This is an arealight shader.

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