This shader simulates the shader on cartoon characters.
Ka  is the coefficient to the ambient function.
Kd  is the coefficient to the diffuse function.
Ks  is the coefficient to the specular function.
rgh is the exponent to the specular function.
LOW is lower diffuse threshold.
MID is middle diffuse threshold.
TOP is upper diffuse threshold.
SPC is specular threshold.
FUZ is the blending width.
AMB is the ambient color.
DF1 is the lower diffuse color.
DF2 is the medium diffuse color.
DF3 is the upper diffuse color.
HI  is the highlight color.
OP  is the surface opacity.

Ka (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 1.0.
Coefficient to the ambient function.
It controls the intensity of the ambient color.

Kd (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 1.0.
Coefficient to the diffuse function, controls the intensity 
of the color returned from the diffuse function.

Ks (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 1.0.
Coefficient to the specular function, controls the intensity 
of the highlight returned from the specular function.

rgh (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 0.3.
Roughness is the exponent to the specular function.
It controls the rate to the falloff for the highlight.

LOW (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 0.03.  
This is lower diffuse threshold.
Diffuse luminence values below this value return the ambient color.
Diffuse luminence values above this value return the DF1 color.

MID (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 0.6.  
This is middle diffuse threshold.
Diffuse luminence values below this value return the DF1 color.
Diffuse luminence values above this value return the DF2 color.

TOP (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 0.9.  
This is upper diffuse threshold.
Diffuse luminence values below this value return the DF2 color.
Diffuse luminence values above this value return the DF3 color.

SPC (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 0.5.  
This is the specular threshold.
Specular luminence values above this value return the HI color.

FUZ (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 0.04.  
This is the blending (antialiasing) width between the colors.

AMB (input):
This must be a color.  The default is dark navy.
This is the ambient surface color.

DF1 (input):
This must be a color.  The default is dark blue.
This is the lower diffuse surface color.

DF2 (input):
This must be a color.  The default is medium blue.
This is the medium diffuse surface color.

DF3 (input):
This must be a color.  The default is light blue.
This is the upper diffuse surface color.

HI (input):
This must be a color.  The default is very pale blue.
This colors the highlight returned from the specular function.

OP (input):
This must be a color.  The default is white.
This is the surface opacity.

NN (input):
This must be a point.  The default is the surface normal, N.
This may be used to add displacement or a bump texture to the surface.

OI (output):
This is the surface opacity.
This shader simulates the shader on cartoon characters.

CI (output):
This is the surface color.
This shader simulates the shader on cartoon characters.

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