This function returned a wispy pattern.
S and T control the direction of the pattern.
ANG is the increment for the turbulence.
OCT controls the amount of turbulence in the pattern.
DEN controls the density in the pattern.

S (input):
This must be a varying float. The default is s.
This controls the direction of the pattern.

T (input):
This must be a varying float. The default is t.
This controls the direction of the pattern.

ANG (input):
This must be a float.  The default is 30.
This the rotation angle used to increment the turbulence.
This controls the density of the pattern.

OCT (input):
This must be a float.  Default is 5.
This controls the amount of turbulence in the pattern.

DEN (input):
This must be a float.  Default is 5.
This controls the density in the pattern.

OUT (output):
This function returned a wispy pattern.

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